June is National LGBTQ Pride month, which is a perfect time to discuss community, family, tolerance and love with our little ones. Children’s books are an amazing way to start a conversation about the diversity of families. Here are my personal stand out favorites of books adding to the LGBTQ dialogue.
A Tale of Two Daddies or A Tale of Two Mommies
Both of the books in this series takes a look at the roles of parenting and breaks down the everyday tasks of caring for a child.
It's Okay to be Different
No one says it better than my good friend Todd Parr! "Its okay to have two moms. It's okay to have two dads."
Sometimes the Spoon Runs Away with Another Spoon
It's hard to find, but it is AMAZING!!! This coloring books takes the classic nursery tales and puts an LGBTQ spin on them! Amazing and hilarious!!
I Am Jazz
A true inspiring tale of an activist. Tears people....tears.
Morris Micklewhite and the Tangering Dress
Morris embraces his own uniqueness on his quest for space. Doesn't get much better!!
Families, Families, Families
No matter what your family looks like, family is family.. This is an adorable book!! Children love the colorful illistrations and the message is incredible sweet.
One Dad, Two Dad, Brown Dad, Blue Dad
With entertaining rhythms, we follow Lou as he examines different kinds of families.
These are just a few examples of amazing books which take on the topic of diversity and inclusion. If you are looking for more, please check out the Association for Library Service to Children. They have an entire lists of amazing LGBTQ books for readers of all ages. Also, don't forget that even though June is National Pride month, these classics are classics year round.
-Ms. Giannini